August 2011 - "Hope"

August 2011 - "Hope"

"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied."

-1 Cor. 15:19

During our recent project in the Middle East, we had the pleasure of asking some of the local people about their lives, their future, and how they perceived their nation's current state of affairs.  One point that was repeated by all of them is the overall sense of hopelessness that they felt for their and their country's future.  As you can imagine, this topic is one that led directly into an opportunity to share about our source of hope, Jesus Christ.

Since our return, the Spirit has brought to mind those conversations on several occasions.  I have been forced to ask myself the question, "Where, and on whom, do I honestly place my hope?"  It seems easy to say that my hope is in Jesus Christ.  But is it really in all of the stability, safety, freedom, and luxuries that I enjoy as a 'wealthy' American?  While I am certainly thankful for all of those things, I know they are temporary, and that my hope in Jesus is not "in this life only".

Please pray for the people of the war-torn Middle East.  Pray that the Father will show them the hope that He has made available to them through His son.  Pray that the seeds that were planted during the sports projects will endure and flourish.  Pray for spiritual breakthrough and a harvest to be seen in these dark, hardened places!


May 2011 - "Teamwork"

"Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."

-Andrew Carnegie

When I think of the courageous sacrifices our representatives make in obedience to their Call, I am reminded that they cannot reach their full potential without each member of the TEAM pitching in where God has placed them.  That includes the staff members in our international office, those of us serving in our US office and, just as importantly, that includes YOU!  Without your involvement, our efforts are limited and, consequently, so is the fruit.   

It took 4 women from the "red" team to tackle one member of the "yellow" team in the picture above.  How much more teamwork will it take to penetrate the darkest places on Earth with the Gospel?  We NEED you - your prayers, your advocacy, your financial investment - to continue to fulfill the mission the Father has so graciously entrusted to us.  Please pray about joining our team!

April 2011 - "Ignorance Isn't Bliss"

"Ignorance is not bliss, it's oblivion" - Philip Wylie 

It is estimated that between 10-20 billion dollars sit, unclaimed, in state trust accounts nationwide.  Apparently some people have millions owed to them, waiting to be claimed.  How can this be? Surely they would jump at the chance to claim their treasure if someone would just tell them it's theirs for the taking, right? Imagine the misfortune of living the rest of your life without ever knowing about a pile of money that could have been at your disposal had you only known about it.  Wouldn't you want someone to tell you such good news before it was too late?

What about an eternal treasure?  Nearly 2/3 of the world's population has never heard THE Good News.  How can this be? For many, it's because the enemy as built obstacles around them which are difficult to overcome and enslaved them to powerful spiritual forces which veil their eyes and fog their minds.  The Father, though, is not bothered by the schemes of the enemy!  He HAS provided access to these places, empowered His people, and shown Himself sovereign, even in the darkest places.  Sport, among other things, is being used by the Father to penetrate enemy lines and bring worshipers to Himself from North Africa, Middle East, and Asia!

Let us not be apathetic toward the desperate need of the 4.5 billion people living in heavy, dark, spiritual oppression.  There is a dying world that needs to know about the treasure that is theirs for the claiming!  All of us are called to share this Good News 'as we go'. Moreover, as the Church, we are also called to proclaim this Good News to the uttermost parts of the Earth...even where it's hard. What part are you to play?

March 2011 - "Thank you!"

 I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.  - William Shakespeare

On behalf of the entire Uttermost Sports team and the thousands of men, women, and children living in closed countries who have heard the TRUTH because of your support of this ministry, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  

It is often difficult for us to effectively communicate how grateful we, and those to whom we minister, are for your faithful financial and prayerful support.  Your gifts have been such a blessing to so many that you will likely not know the full extent of your Kingdom impact until you stand before the Throne.

As one who is called to serve on staff with this ministry, I am humbled by the fact that, by way of your generous support, YOU enable me to pursue my calling.  It is because of your obedience and generosity that I am able to fulfill the calling He has placed on my life; for that I am sincerely thankful.  

Although you may not hear a verbal "thank you" from our frontline workers and those whom they serve, consider the following returns on your investments:

Little girls getting to play basketball in a Muslim country, many for the first time

Muslim women and girls getting to play softball for the first time

Sports leaders in the Middle East coming to faith

Thousands of children living in tent cities enjoying sports camps and receiving much-needed food and medicine

Countless elite athletes hearing the Truth for the first time

The Gospel being shared in 67 closed and restricted countries over the past 18 years

And much, much more!

May your gifts continue to bless the Nations and may you be blessed for your generosity!

February 2011 - "The End?"

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come...And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:6,14 - NIV)

The media is buzzing with the news of historic riots, protests, and political upheaval in North Africa and the Middle East.  At this point, it seems that there are many more questions than answers. The World anxiously awaits as the region reshapes its political systems to reflect a more democratic representation of its people.

As you know, there is no shortage of people claiming the events are sure to usher in the collapse of the United States and eventually, the End of the Earth.  Regardless of the relevance or accuracy of such claims, it is important for the Church to respond with an eternal perspective.  Roughly 147 million of the 158 million people living in these countries are UNREACHED - that's 93% of the population!  According to Jesus, we are to be more concerned with the Gospel being preached in the whole world than in the day-to-day events of the socio-political landscape.  

So while the pundits continually fill the airways with speculation, what is a follower of Jesus to do in light of such intense uncertainty, instability, and tension?  Pray, pray, and pray!  As we look through the pages of history, we see how God's sovereign hand moved in ways that no one at the time could have ever understood.  In retrospect, it is perfectly clear how He took what the enemy meant for evil and used it for His Good.  Could this be another instance when our God intervenes to make a way for the 147 million unreached living in these countries to hear the Good News for the first time?  If so, how is He calling you to participate?

January 2011 - "Our Sovereign God"

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.  The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens".  (Psalm 113:3-4 NIV)

Empires, regimes, kingdoms, and governments of man have long sought to extend their reign to all corners of the Earth.  At the height of its power, it was said that "the sun never sat on the British Empire".  Man has a long history of conquering, acquiring, colonizing and controlling; all with the false hope that they will become something they cannot - sovereign.  

We know that there is only ONE who is sovereign and we trust that He is busy building His Kingdom - a Kingdom consisting of worshipers from ALL NATIONS, TRIBES, AND TONGUES.  How is he doing it?  Though his worshipers!  He has uniquely called and equipped each of his children to play a role in taking the Good News to those who have not heard.  We, as children of the sovereign King, are called to participate in the expansion of the Kingdom to the Uttermost parts of the Earth.  

What's your part?  Has the Father gifted you with talent, education, resources, or all of the above?  Prayerfully consider how God has chosen you to bring the Kingdom of God to those living in darkness. 

December 2010 - "End of Year Review"

"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach unless they are sent?" (Romans 10:14)

2010 will soon be behind us.  We celebrate what the Father has done through Uttermost Sports to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have no other access to it.  We praise him for the generous partners who have invested in the work; their investment has yielded eternal rewards!  New projects in new areas have paved the way for new placements and ultimately, new opportunities to share TRUTH.

To date, Uttermost Sports has done projects in 46 of the 50 most persecuted countries in the world

Uttermost Sports currently has long-term representatives living in 24 of the 50 most persecuted countries

In 2010, thousands HEARD the Gospel and hundreds RECEIVED the Gospel...God is GOOD!  

The Father continues to open doors for access and engagement among the most unreached peoples in the World.  In 2011, Uttermost Sports will extend its reach into even more areas of the world that remain closed to traditional missionary methods.  Praise God for the opportunities!

November 2010 - "Warm Welcome"

"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away."

-Isaiah 64:6 (NIV)

We stepped off the boat into a mass of local residents, donned in their traditional dress, graciously offering us their handmade lays and welcome baskets as well as umbrellas to protect us from the searing heat of the Equatorial sun.  The rhythmic beat of the drums and the synchronized steps of the dancers ushered our team down the main street of the town, under a canopy of ribbons, to the local primary school where we were treated to more traditional dancing, fresh coconut milk, and the smiling faces of what seemed like the entire town.  The warm hospitality continued throughout our stay and was again showcased during the final ceremony where we were treated to another buffet of traditional foods and the kind words of one of the town's leaders as well as a letter from the students.  In short, we were received into their town as if we were foreign dignitaries and into their hearts as if we were family.

We cherish the friendships that have been started.  We applaud the generosity, hospitality, and genuine gratitude we experienced from the people of this country.  We are also reminded of the sobering reality that they are not only lost, but also oppressed and ensnared by the lies of Islam.  While the enemy's defenses are legitimate, we know that our God is sovereign and will, in time, peel away the mask and shed light into this country.

In fact, the Father has opened doors into this dark country in such a way that, instead of having to sneak 'under the radar' to gain access, our SPORTS company is not only welcomed, but begged to return.  We WILL return and bring the Kingdom of Light with us as we remain obedient to the call the Father has given us.  Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with us to reach this unreached nation!

September 2010 - "No Access"

"At one point in your life you either have the thing you want or the reasons why you don't"

-Andy Roddick

Recently, one of our short term volunteers was asked by one of our frontline representatives to bring a can of pumpkin with her when she went overseas for a project.  Why a can of pumpkin?  Because canned pumpkin is not available in that rep's country and so in order to get it, the rep had to rely on someone who did have access to it to bring it to her.  I'm sure few of us have ever been as excited about canned pumpkin as that frontline rep was when it arrived!  

Now imagine if we were to receive a request from a rep asking for basic physical needs like food, water, medicine, etc. because such needs were unavailable in their country.  How much more urgently would we respond?  How much more grateful would the rep be for our assistance?  How disappointed would the rep be if we decided to ignore the need and continue sending provisions to places that had stockpiles of supplies?

Now imagine a request coming in from 350 million people (more than the population of the US) for someone to bring them the Gospel because they have NO ACCESS to it.  This number represents those living among ethic groups who are considered unreached AND unengaged - meaning they have NEVER had any exposure to the Good News.  Uttermost Sports is responding to this need!  Although there is need everywhere in the World, Uttermost is committed to accessing, engaging, and reaching those who have NEVER had the Good News available to them.  

We have been given the command to go unto ALL NATIONS, yet there are millions who still have NO ACCESS to the Gospel.  They are relying on someone to bring it to them.  How can you help?  Consider how your resources are distributed and ask yourself, "Am I sending spiritual supplies to places that have been receiving aid for centuries and have begun stockpiling it?"  If so, please prayerfully consider the strategic advantages of investing more of those resources where there is NONE...and NEVER has been.

August 2010 - "The Battle"

"If hockey fights were fake, you would see me in more of them."

-Rod Gilbert, New York Rangers

The one thing my nephew wants to do when we spend time together is wrestle.  He suits up in his superhero gear and runs (or flies) into the living room ready for battle.  My role, as the evil monster or whatever perilous creature he suggests I be, is to put up a believable, but not too forceful, fight against him - the Rescuer of the Helpless and Doer of All Good.  

We both understand that our "battle" is nothing more than a role-playing activity which both of us enjoy very much.  In fact, if my nephew thought for a moment that I truly intended to do him harm, I seriously doubt that he would be as excited about joining in!  He would likely see the impending danger that awaited him and hide somewhere or avoid coming to my house altogether.  But what if he truly believed that his cape, mask, and weapons actually possessed "superpowers" that would defeat any earthly foe, regardless of its size or might?  

Ephesians 6:12 tells us that, "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  I don't know about you, but that makes me want to hide somewhere or avoid the fight altogether.  However, the proceeding five verses outline the "superhero" tools that we, as believers, have at our disposal.  The question is, do you suit up and enter the battle with full faith in your armor or do you elect to let fear paralyze you and preclude you from the fight?

Our representatives are engaged on the Frontlines of the battle described in Ephesians 6.  They understand that the enemy is real, the fighting is real, and that there will be casualties - possibly themselves - and yet they suit up everyday and fight.  They have been called to the Frontlines and chose to obey...for His name's sake.

The battlefield is in America as well.  Are you putting on the full armor every day and joining in the fight?  Or are you choosing to believe the fight is "fake" and turning a blind eye to it?  Or are you hiding in your own comfort zone and avoiding the danger altogether?  

Please prayerfully consider your role in this spiritual battle for people's souls.  Is the Lord calling you to partner with Uttermost Sports as it, through the courageous efforts of its representatives, advances the Gospel to the ends of the Earth through sports?

July 2010 - "Power of Sport"

"And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity...And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

-Colossians 3:14, 17

The World Cup is represented by 32 of the Worlds' 196 countries.  These countries gather in one place for the purpose of playing soccer (or football), while hundreds of millions of individuals around the world cling to their TVs, computers, radios, and even phones to watch and listen - the pride of their country hinging on the results. Now that is powerful!

As the World Cup intensifies and draws near a final result, I am reminded once again of the power that sports hold as common denominators beneath every nation on this Earth.  

Events such as the World Cup remind us here at Uttermost of the power our ministry possesses through sports that allows our representatives entry and longevity of stay in restricted and hostile environments.

The unifying power of sports is not something exclusive to World Cup athletes and overseas missions.  I challenge you to tap into that power so easily seen and felt from the World Cup, and don't be afraid to use it in your back yard.  Especially in these summer months, with kids home from school and longer hours of sunlight, take some time to be active with those around you - believers and non-believers alike.

Please consider how you can support our ministry and share in the work that the Father is doing through sports.

June 2010 - "Foundations"

"It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation."

-Romans 15:20 (NIV)

Our country recently commemorated the thousands of men and women who have given their lives to defend the freedoms we enjoy which, among many other things, have allowed the Christian faith to prosper.  We are grateful for the freedom to worship at our pick of thousands of churches and learn about our faith from Christian schools, Christian TV, radio, and internet stations.  While our country has its problems, I think we can safely say that there is a strong foundation of the Christian faith available to all those who wish to take advantage of it.

There is, however, a large segment of our planet that has no such foundation.  Within this segment - referred to as the 1040 Window - live 97%-98% of all the World's lost who have little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Why is it then, that only 2% of all missionary resources are invested in this area of the World?  One reason is that political and social barriers often prevent missionaries from gaining access to these countries as "missionaries".  Another reason is that the Church lacks the resolve and commitment necessary to break down those barriers through years of Gospel plowing, sowing, and watering.  While I cannot judge its motives, it seems the Church is satisfied to invest the majority of its resources "on someone else's foundation" instead of leveraging its resources to build new foundations.

Uttermost Sports shares Paul's desire to preach the Gospel where there is no foundation.  The Father has called us to use His resources to reach those who the enemy has secluded by way of oppressive religious and political chains.  Through SPORT our representatives are INVITED into these countries where they are able to live out the Gospel as an incarnational witness.  

Will you help Uttermost Sports continue its work?  Please consider how you can support our ministry and share in the work that the Father is doing through sports.

May 2010 - "Do Justly"

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

-Micah 6:8

Women living in the countries where we work are often under attack from those who believe women should not be allowed to do many of the things that Americans take for education and sport.  In fact, just this week a girls' school in a South Asian country was attacked with poisonous gas causing 47 girls to pass out and suffer serious side effects.  The attacks were allegedly carried out by "enemies of girls' education".  What is the appropriate response to such news?  Is it enough to simply shrug our shoulders and extend our feelings of sympathy?  We believe that we have a calling, and the capacity, to do much more.  How?

Uttermost Sports is actively reaching out to women in the areas of the World that are plagued with such occurrences.  Through SPORT, our front line representatives are able to minister to women who live under heavy oppression and, as a result of their involvement, often face threats of physical harm or severe social repercussions.  Because of these harsh realities, we celebrate when we get to see the women living in these contexts experience the freedom and joy of playing a game of volleyball, basketball, softball, etc. for the first time!  Although it may seem like a baby-step on the road to equal rights, we believe it is an important step and one in which we can play an integral part.  Through something as unassuming as an after school basketball program, social norms are broken down and CHANGE is initiated; in many cases the greatest change of all takes place when young women come to faith in Jesus!

Please consider how you can support our ministry and share in the work that the Father is doing through sports


April 2010 - "The Harvest"

April 2010 - "The Harvest"

"Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."

-John 4:35 (NIV)

My wife and I recently returned from living overseas for two years. I remember the first time we stepped back into a Wal-Mart Supercenter and how amazed we were by the quantity of food, variety of food, and even the price of food. Although I have never been a farmer and do not claim to be an expert in horticulture, I do have a fundamental understanding of how crops are grown and that the "harvest" we see in the Wal-Mart store is the end result of many people's hard work. 

The same goes for Spiritual harvests. It is important to understand and acknowledge the years of labor that are essential to invest in order to reap the spiritual harvest spoken of by Jesus. For example, while China is currently seeing a tremendous "reaping" of an estimated 10,000 new believers every day, we must remember the thousands of faithful workers who poured their lives out preparing the way. Let us not forget or discount the sacrifices made by those who plowed the field, planted the first seeds, and nurtured the ground for many years. 

Our sports workers are often serving as the spiritual plowers, sowers, and nurturers in parts of the World where the ground is hard, dry, and desolate. We trust that as a result of our representatives' selfless service, the Father will prove himself faithful and produce the harvest - even in the hardest soil - in due time. 

Please consider how you can support our ministry and share in the harvest that the Father has provided through sports.

March 2010 "Fruits of Victory"

"Upon the fields of friendly strife

Are sown the seeds, 

That upon other fields, on other days, 

Will bear the fruits of victory."

-General Douglas MacArthur (while superintendent at West Point)

With the 2010 Winter Olympics coming to an end, it is fitting to reflect on the value of friendly competition in bringing understanding and peace to people groups that are steeped in a history of hatred and violence.  One of the goals of the Olympic Games is to unite nations under the common bond of "friendly strife" with the hope that the seeds of peace which are sown will later become "fruits of victory".  It is with a similar hope that we invest in the lives of the "unreachable" people of the world through sports.  The Gospel is the "seed" that our reps sow - on the field of competition, in practice sessions, in training seminars, in community development projects, throughout their daily lives - all with the hope that spiritual transformation will be their "fruit of victory".

Please consider how you can support our ministry and share in the harvest that the Father has provided through sports.

February 2010 "Why We Go"

"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."  James 4:17

Jesus makes it clear that he wants us to be actively involved in the lives of those who need our help.  Sport is one avenue in which we can bring joy and comfort to those who need it most.  From highly-paid professional athletes to the members of the Dalit caste in India, sport is cherished by all as an indispensable part of life.  Because of its universal appeal and international competitiveness, sport also provides us with an incredible opportunity to gain access to "restricted" and "closed" countries as THEIR GUESTS.  While living there, our representatives are obedient to befriend their neighbors and co-workers and, as the Father leads, share the Truth with those who are interested.  Now in our 18th year of service, we praise the Lord for the favor He continues to show us in the areas of the World which we work.  

Please consider how the Lord may call you to support our ministry as we reach those who have no other access to the Truth.